Collaboration in Education

The ELS Academy aims at educating a new generation of law students and researchers about the meaning of empirical legal research for legal scholarship and the law, and its theory and methods. Dutch universities are committed to further strengthening the collaboration, as they have joined forces to build a country-wide network of educational resources. Part of the collaboration is that the partner universities allow for their PhD students to follow the Graduate School ELS PhD courses at other partner universities free of charge (scroll down for Graduate School Course overview).

Moreover, the various law schools share knowledge and experience as well as course materials with regard to empirical methods in legal research. Our purpose is to develop courses that contribute specifically to the education of a new generation of empirical legal scholars who are able to do empirical research and translate said research findings into implication for legal norms.


These are the Graduate School Course open for PhD’s from partner universities

ELS in Your Teaching

We can help with improving your law courses

Are you looking to incorporate empirical insights in your law courses, make your teaching more interdisciplinary, or teach your students research skills? Please reach out to us with your request and become part of the nationwide network.