Academic positions in Empirical Legal Studies

The ELS Academy wants to diffuse relevant information concerning job positions that are related to ELS. Vacancies shared here may be of interest to anyone (PhD researcher, assistant professor, associate, and full professors) who wants to do empirical legal research and/or has an interest in interdisciplinary research.

It is highly appreciated if relevant job positions are brought to our attention, so they can be shared here with the ELS community.

ELS Opportunities


Postdoctoral position in the field of ELS

Postdoctoral position within the ERC CURIAFIDES project on “The Relevance of Judicial Trust for the Legal Integration of Europe,” hosted at University Carlos III of Madrid.

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Post-doctoral researcher in empirical approaches to rule of law

Post-doctoral researcher in empirical approaches to rule of law (1.0 FTE; 36 months)

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PhD candidate on ‘Enhancing Legal Self-Representation’

A fully funded PhD position focused on applying empirical legal research to obtain more insights into enhancing self-representation

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PhD in ‘Remedies in algemeenbelangprocedures’

Join the project on ‘Remedies in algemeenbelangprocedures’ (in Dutch) as a new PhD student

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ELS Researcher – WODC

WODC is looking for an empirical legal researcher (in Dutch)

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PhD in Private and Health Law

VU Amsterdam is looking for a PhD candidate in Private and Health Law. (in Dutch)

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ELS Researcher at WODC

WODC is looking for an ELS researcher to join a project on dispute resolution, mediation and access to justice. (in Dutch)

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Junior Researcher

De Rechtspraak is looking for a junior researcher specialised in qualitative methods to participate in a file investigation into the home placements of children of parents who have

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Social Science Methodologist

The University of Amsterdam is seeking a social scientist to support the development and improvement of qualitative and quantitative empirical research within the Law Faculty. (in

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ELS PhD in European Data Protection Law

Vrije Universiteit Brussel is looking for a PhD student to join a project ‘Risk as a subjective phenomenon.”

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Post-doc in ELS

The Erasmus School of Law is searching for a quantitative empirical legal studies scholar (closed)

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ELS Student-Assistant

ELS Academy is looking for a new student-assistant (closed)

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PhD Position in Computational Legal History

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam is seeking a PhD student to join a project titled “An Analysis of the Pluralism of Legal Sources in the Early Modern Legal Practice of the Court of Fri

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