Meet Our Board

Meet our distinguished Board, a dynamic ensemble of the heads of the partner universities. The board members of the ELS Academy are not just visionary leaders but also well-known experts in academia. Their combined expertise and passion for empirical legal research drive our interuniversity research school forward.

Meet the board

Heads of the Partner Universities

Associate Professor

Helen Pluut

Leiden University

Director of the ELS Academy.

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Arno Akkermans

VU Amsterdam

Director of the Amsterdam Law and Behavior Institute.

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Full Professor

Sonja Bekker

Utrecht University

Co-head of the research cluster on Empirical Legal Studies into Institutions for Conflict Resolution (ERI).

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Elena Kantorowicz-Reznichenko

Rotterdam University

Co-director of the Erasmus Centre of Empirical Legal Studies.

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Marc Hertogh

University of Groningen

Academic Director of the Groningen Centre for Empirical Legal Research.

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ELS Academy Support Staff

At the heart of the ELS Academy, we’ve got a solid team that keeps things rolling: two student assistants who are always ready to help out, and a Research School Coordinator who creates a diverse workshops agenda for the research school. It’s this combo of keen students and an experienced professor that makes our environment both welcoming and productive: