Partner Universities
The ELS Academy was founded by the five law schools that have ELS as a focus within the context of the Law Sector Plan. All law schools in the Netherlands are invited to participate and contribute to the research training programme of the ELS Academy.
Partner universities
Leiden University
Leiden University shapes and strengthens expertise on law and behavior in a market context. Using both quantitative and qualitative methods, members of the ELS Lab @Leiden do research on law in action and examine what works in the regulation of behavior in order to achieve the goals of the legislator.
Partner universities
The VU Amsterdam
The VU Amsterdam develops new measures for the legal protection of vulnerable elderly using mixed methods designs (doctrinal, empirical and comparative). The Amsterdam Behavioral Law & Economics Lab, in which legal scholars and behavioral economists collaborate, allows for ex ante assessments.
Partner universities
Erasmus School of Law
Erasmus School of Law aims at promoting and supporting empirical legal knowledge in both education and research. The Erasmus Centre for Empirical Legal Studies is the home for qualitative and quantitative empirical legal research at Erasmus School of Law and provides support and opportunities for starting and more experienced empirical legal scholars.
Partner universities
The University of Groningen
The University of Groningen promotes and supports empirical legal knowledge in education and research. The Groningen Centre for Empirical Legal Research (GELR) is a national and international centre of expertise. It serves as a public platform to showcase the latest empirical publications from the Faculty of Law and it operates a helpdesk for all members of the faculty who are interested in conducting empirical legal research.
Partner universities
Utrecht University
Utrecht University is focused on the dissemination of fundamental knowledge about empirical legal studies, for instance in the handbook ‘Empirical Legal Research: A Primer’ by Kees van den Bos. The focus lies on Empirical Research into Institutions for Conflict Resolution (ERI).