New PhD Cohort Representative

ELS Academy presents Anna Brekoo, a new PhD cohort representative, from Rotterdam University

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Anna Brekoo is a New PhD Cohort Representative

Dear ELS Academy Members,
We are very happy to introduce to you Anne Brekoo, a representative of the PhD cohort of 2023-2024. Here is a couple of words from Anne:

“My name is Anne and I am a third-year PhD student in the ‘European Doctorate on Law and Economics’ at Erasmus University Rotterdam. My PhD research focuses on international criminal law, and specifically investigates the consequences of jurisdictional pluralism with respect to criminal behaviour.
As the cohort representative, I will act as the central contact person. So if you have any questions, feel free to reach out. My aim is to organise a range of social and academic events, to really create a sense of community amongst us young legal empiricists at an inter-university level. If anyone would like to help me out with this, please let me know because it would be great to form a small group for the organization of community-building events .

I look forward to meeting you all again soon!”

Warm wishes,