Workshop Georgina Kuipers: ‘Beschadigd vertrouwen’
Attend a lecture on governments' confidence building policy
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How does the government formulate a confidence building policy when it has facilitated damage to a group of citizens during a large-scale infrastructural project, for the sake of the general interest? In her dissertation ‘Beschadigd vertrouwen’ (Damaged trust), Georgina Kuipers developed an interdisciplinary theoretical framework for a policy to instil confidence based on insights from the legal, administrative and political sciences. Subsequently, using three extensive case studies – the construction of the North/South Line, the expansion of Schiphol Airport and the consequences of gas extraction in Groningen – she analysed the extent to which these theoretical insights have an effect in practice.
In the lecture on March 29th, from 13:00 to 14:15, she will talk about the design and execution of her dissertation research, which offers practical and concrete tools to lawyers and policymakers involved in damage policy, so that in the future they will not (unintentionally) damage the trust in the government. The lecture was given in Dutch and took place at the Newtonlaan 201, 4th floor, room 24.