VSR & ELS PhD Days 2024
VSR Recht en Samenleving , ELS Academy and the Access to Justice research group (Hogeschool Utrecht) are organizing the 3 PhD School.
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Practical information
If you’re a PhD candidate, interested in empirical research on law in action – this event is for you! Do you already use empirical methods, or would you like to learn more about it? Join these PhD’s days for PhDs in empirical legal studies and socio-legal studies!
This year, we are offering 2 days with the theme ‘Academia inside out’!
👉 On Day 1, you are invited to attend prof. dr. Ashley Terlouw ‘s (Radboud University) keynote speech and explore ‘inside’ academia by taking part in introductory and advanced workshops on different methodologies.
👉 Day 2 will revolve around ‘outside’ factors that play a role in undertaking a PhD, such as work-life balance and valorizing your research findings. It will end with a closing keynote speech by prof. dr. Barbara Oomen (Universiteit Utrecht).
With the guidance of experts, you can explore methodologies that you currently use or are interested in. The PhD days are an excellent opportunity to meet other early career researchers and senior researchers. We will conclude Day 1 with a festive gathering.
Register here.
Deadline is 15 December.