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Practical information

In this workshop, Aylin Aydin-Cakir will teach how to design a survey for a particular research purpose. In this regard, they will first learn about different types of survey methods and the conditions (research objectives) under which using the survey method would be an appropriate choice. Diving into the issues of conceptualization, operationalization, and measurement, the students will also learn how to develop valid and reliable survey questions. During the workshop, the students will also get the chance to focus on some questionnaire design issues (i.e. order of the survey questions, consent forms), and learn about different sampling methods as well as some techniques to test the quality of the questionnaires.

Aylin Aydin-Cakir is a Post-Doctoral Researcher at Erasmus School of Law, Erasmus Center of Empirical Legal Studies. Before joining EUR, Aylin worked as an Assistant Professor of Political Science at Yeditepe University, Turkey (2014-2019). In 2017 she was awarded with Young Scientist Award (BAGEP) by the Science Academy.  Between 2021-2023 she worked as a senior lecturer in Political Science Program at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Her research interests focus on judicial politics, comparative political institutions, comparative constitutional law, and public opinion. Methodologically, her research leverages several quantitative approaches including observational data, experiments as well as other causal inference designs.

Her studies are published in various journals such as the Journal of European Public Policy (JEPP); Political Research Quarterly, International Political Science Review, Law & Society Review, Democratization, International Journal of Constitutional Law (ICON), and Global Constitutionalism.

LEVEL: Basic

METHOD: Quantitative

ELS Academy’s No-Show Policy:

Please note that the workshops are given by experts in the field who do this on a voluntary basis. Places are often limited and we have people on the waiting list. For this reason, the ELS Academy has a strict no-show policy. In case you are prevented from attending the workshop, kindly send an email to at least 48 hours before the workshop to make space for people on the waiting list.

If you do not attend the workshop without prior cancellation, your supervisor will be informed about your no-show and you will not be able to register for another ELS Academy event for the next two months. This is also very unfortunate for us, however, it can be prevented if we receive a simple cancellation via e-mail.

Thank you for understanding and see you there!

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