ELS Midseason Event
Following the ELS Academy kick-off event, we invite you to join us for this midseason event on March 7
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Practical information
Following the kick-off event organised by the ELS Academy this autumn, we are glad to invite you to the Midseason Event. During this event, you will be introduced to a variety of topics and methods by scholars who are very experienced in doing empirical legal research.
Draft Program ELS Midseason Event:
10.00-11.00: Walk-in with coffee and cake
11.00-11.15: Opening and ELS research questions (H. Pluut, director of ELS Academy)
11.15-11.35: Theory in Empirical Legal Studies (M. Hertogh)
11.35-11.55: Quantitative methods: (lab) experiments (P. Desmet)
11.55-12.15: Qualitative methods: focus groups (De Winter)
12.15-13.45: Lunch
13.45-14.05: Quantitative methods: surveys (H. Pluut)
14.05-14.25: Systematic case law analysis (Schaap)
14.25-14.45: Qualitative methods: interviews (A. Eleveld)
14.45-15.15: Coffee
15.15-15.35: Normativity in Empirical Legal Studies (Ruitenbeek-Bart and A. Akkermans)
15.35-16.45: The ELS Game (J. Pool & R. Stolk)
16.45-17.00: Closing remarks (M. Glavina, executive coordinator of the ELS Academy research school, and A. Brekoo, PhD representative)
17.00-18.30: Drinks (L’Esperance)