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Practical information

Janine Janssen, Chairman of the NVC:

At our anniversary conference, we therefore look forward as well as back. We have chosen intergenerational transmission as our theme. After all, criminologists know very well that both bad and positive traits are passed on from generation to generation. During the plenary sessions, various speakers will explore this theme from different perspectives.
For years, the Dutch Society for Criminology (NVC) has enjoyed working with Boom Publishers from The Hague. For our golden jubilee, this publisher is giving the NVC and its members a wonderful gift: in honour of our anniversary, a beautiful jubilee book will be published, containing not only contributions from the plenary speakers, but also looks back and forward from the various divisions that make up our association. What do they think should be preserved and passed on for the future? What would be better to distance ourselves from? Whoever thinks of the future automatically thinks of students, of course. For this reason, we also kept our ear to the ground at the various criminological study associations.
While it is always good to celebrate good times in life, the Board naturally also sees that we live in uncertain times, with numerous security issues ranging from environmental and climate concerns to serious crime and polarisation. In these, the next 50 years will therefore be a critical task for current and future generations of criminologists to unravel and help interpret these issues. In short, the NVC remains relevant!